6 years ago, today.
Right in the middle of the year of my life... I lost you.
The kind of losing that has no return.
I found out what it is to be a void. To have someone missing out on all the things we're about to do with our lives.
I know that... if you were here right now... you'd fight to show me, to make me feel that I'm not such a disapointment. That I'm not disapointing.
But than again... my love... that would have come from the heart. And I can only smile thinking about what mum said the other day: You are just like your grandfather...
That is, that would be an honour. As I can only ask, I can only hope to keep my bright smile, my references, all my pride in those I love... like you did when facing turmoil. Till the last minute.
I miss you grampa.
23 November, 2009
This was a
repeated thought
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3 thoughts unleashed:
Isn't it good to have known your grandparents? I miss my english grandma... everyone says I'm just like her also...she was very special, as I'm sure was your grandpa! :) big kiss
I still miss my nana as well :(
Como eu costumo dizer: Shit happens. Apesar não podemos evitál-a também não a devemos ressentir porque, no final, é a unica coisa que nos resta: memórias; para mim o mais precioso que a Humanidade tem; o mais intemporal dos centúdos e, contudo tão intrinsecamente ligado ao Tempo--
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