Sou rainha e imperatriz da máxima "
friends will be friends". Sempre. A toda a hora, mesmo que depois descubra pouco merecedor, fugaz, enganador. E não apenas nesta época, nos dias "bonitos".
Acho mesmo que já sangrei mais por amizade do que por amor... se bem que só fui capaz de amar amigos - contrariamente às palavras do meu menino dos trovões. [se te ajuda, não, não sou tua amiga ;)]
Mas a palavra que me toca aqui é normalcy.
Normalidade... uma palavra que tem vindo ter comigo, pé ante pé, para me fazer aceitar(-me), mais que acreditar. [E há quem faça de mim modelo, estandarte... sempre por amor, por orgulho, na melhor das intenções. Só posso sorrir...]
Porquê, se não tem outras implicações? (Apeteceu-me beijar-te ali, ainda mais que em todo o resto da noite...)
I choose my friends not by their skin or other archetype, but by the pupil.They have to have questioning shine and unsettled tone.
I'm not interested in the good spirits or the ones with bad habits.
I'll stick with the ones that are made of me being crazy and blessed.
From them, I don't want an answer, I want to be reviewed.
I want them to bring me doubts and fears and to tolerate the worst of me.
But that only being crazy.
I want saints, so they dount doubt differences and ask for forgiveness for injustices.
I choose my friends for their clean face and their soul exposed.
I don't just want a man or a shirt, I also want his greatest happiness.
A friends that doesn't laugh together doesn't know how to cry together.
All my friends are like that, half foolish, half serious.
I don't want forseen laughter or cries full of pity.
I want serious friends, those that make reality their fountain of knowledge, but that fight to keep fantasy alive.
I don't want adult or boring friends.
I want hald kids and half elderly.
Kids so they don't forget the value of the wind blowing on their faces and elderly people so they're never in a hurry.
I have friends to know who I am.
Then seeing them as clowns and serious, crazy and saints, young and old, I will never forget that 'normalcy' is a steril and imbecil illusion.
Oscar Wilde
Pena que tenhas traído a amizade.
Sorte que possa sorrir e acenar em todos os versos deste louvor. Na nossa normalidade...