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04 February, 2010

Be careful!...
As I feel they're robbing me of you.

Be still my heart!...
In the middle of all of them.

It is you, I've senced it.
Walkers cross my path.

The deeds strenght the inside me
The waiting keeps the window open.

What is happening?

Be careful!...
As I feel they're robbing me of you...

2 thoughts unleashed:

pintas* said...

Be careful. Do not let it get away from you. grab it with all the strength of your feeling. you don´t let them to steal from you.

Sim Izzie...vamos fazer um clube....o "clube da avestruz" (porque sempre que passo uma vergonha dessas...só me apetece colocar a cabeça debaixo da terra)

Francis said...

he will.

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