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08 February, 2010

Today I want to hear of no tears. Of no regrets, of no fears.
Today my pacience for the lack of a smile is none.

I wanna remember all of you happy... even if we find it difficult.
I wanna get and share great news.
I wanna believe I'm closer to you; and what would have happened if I were awake when you whispered my name last night.

You're feeling that sweet envy one does when you're happy for someone you love. [Right?]
You're thinking of me with a smile.
You're wondering what will happen next.

And this will be a good day.

3 thoughts unleashed:

Anonymous said...

Por mais que a vontade mova montanhas, a vontade não chega. Tu queres, tu fazes, tu ages e tu vences.

Em frente.

(´bora lá entao!)


Eva Gonçalves said...

Indded I am smiling , thinking of what will come next... beijo

Nowe said...

Querida Izzie, desejo-te uma semana com sorrisos, e muita paz... Sim? :)
Beijinho e abraço (muitoooo) apertado*

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