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20 January, 2010

Today I'm not here.

Consider this place a cozy little house with the front door wide open.
Feel free to come on right in.
Feel free to feel, taste, smell and look around. To the deepest detail, to the tiniest significance.

Today I'm not here.
As today I have no place to be.

Today I'm not here.
I've opened the door to the room and the leaves are wondering in with the wind.

Today I'm not here.
I'm there, everywhere.
Mourning the little girl I'm no more.

The plather of things that came my way. Mine, then ours, but never yours.
All this time later. I cry the life I've lived.

Today I'm not here.
Thank(s to) you.
- - -

Parabéns Jorginho.

5 thoughts unleashed:

Marquês de Sade said...

Este som que aqui tens é mesmo do melhor!

Otário Tevez said...

ok.. parabéns ao jorginho...

Nowe said...

Querida Izzie;
Beijinho e abraço (muitooo) apertado*

Maria said...

Parabéns!! :)

Marquês de Sade said...

E parabéns ao Jorginho ;)

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