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26 January, 2009

... can't think, write or speak today. A part from that, I wanna hear, feel and tell you everything. (Note: the sunlight creeping in...)

You've got me so off track, off beat... that I just can't... react. Not in a bad way. No, NO... far from that! But my heart is tied down in a knot, my mind is now a house, where words and sounds and dreams run loose.
When I asked the Skies above for "someone who won't allow me to think"... I never thought it would be so fast, so perfect, so furious.
I end up... out of myself, feeling like I never did. Afraid of waking from this dream while dreaming about another life...

Since Saturday, I'm a kid again, anxious... as steady as a roller coster. All I can say with 100% sure factor here is that: I wanna believe, I wanna feel, I wanna life!

Will you help me do that? No matter what? (Or was I really being "full of myself" there?)

I'm so going crazy here... I can't even choose a music today... and that IS a sign of the Apocalispe... LOL xD

21 thoughts unleashed:

Hélio said...

:D Such beautiful words, so strong...

Appocalipse?? No, just a sign of good things coming... :)

Only Time will tell... "He" will be there. "He" will help you...


izzie said...

I hope you're right then...
Look at you... "quoting"... cute =)
You've got mail, you know?

Hélio said...

Yeah, I know... I'm everywhere, remember? ;)

izzie said...

Ooops I almost forgot that...
But you keep me on track... or off it ;)

Hélio said...

I'll keep you wherever you want... or let ;)

izzie said...

ooooh... for someone who was "quoting" in the first comment... ;)
I know, I know... =)

Hélio said...

That has been diluted already... but thanks for bringing it up again... ;)

izzie said...

Welcome... anything to make you smile... =)

Ms. Amanda Grace said...

Never fear--when you can't find a song or lyrics-- I CAN!

"Backbeat the word is on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do..." - Wonderwall Oasis.

I hate that feeling where you can't even write it out. Its so constricting. Keep trying girly!

ps. your verification word to submit this is "humho" and that made melaugh.

izzie said...

Amanda!... =)
Welcome back!... How could I forget that you're my music twin... you found it perfectly!
Yeah... that's what's going on here today... a knot... a big knot!
Really?... these verification words are priceless...LOL


Otário Tevez said...

não aprecio a expressão "full of myself". mas belo texto, como sempre.

Ms. Amanda Grace said...

Hey beautiful! I have songs galore for you :)

but in the meantime I Love that addicted is on your listttt.

izzie said...

Otário... pois.. eu também não aprecio profundamente, mas foi a que me lembrei... pelo menos o resto do texto safa-se ;)

Amanda: So bring them on, I'll be an happy, happy girl =)
It has been since the first day I built the play list... ;)

katieleigh said...

This reminds me of the first stages of falling in love.

:) exhilarating

izzie said...

Awwww... thanks Katie! =)

Let's see how the rest of the stages go... ;)


1/2Kg de Broa said...

A primeira frase faz-me pensar a respeito da tua idoneidade nas restantes frases. Vejamos que dizes que não consegues escrever hoje.
O que me faz pensar que o que está escrito a seguir não foi escrito por ti. Ou por outro lado, que foi escrito noutro dia que não hoje.
Ou então que estás a mentir e andas a enganar os pobres leitores :'( snif

(já agora, a tal "verificação visual" hoje só tem as seguintes letras: verificação visual. Vou tentar...

ah.. não deu...)

izzie said...

Pois 1/2kg... eu pensei no memo quando estava a escrever...
E dps... pensei... quem lê isto já está habituado a esquisofrenia... LOL
Mas mentir à minha gente?... Eu lá fazia isso?... Quanto a isso respira... é só mesmo caso de doença psiquiàtrica... mentira, nunca!

(mas tu tás a ver que a minha verificação visual te está a sabotar?...

ai a marota!...)

Salto-Alto said...

Para quem não conseguia escrever hoje saíste-te muito bem! Escreveste um texto fantástico! :)

izzie said...

Obrigada Salto!

jb said...

Life will only get better izzie...hold on the sun is almost up. Lately, I can't write anything so I write about work.

I feel trapped in my head. My heart feels so dead like it's just dieing inside me or rottening.

I'm waiting for that someone who will never come and this is the reality they will never come. All I have been listening to these days is Ray Lamontage over and over it's all I can stand for now. I go in and out when it comes to music.


izzie said...

oooh sweety...
It can be a general feeling... you know me... you know.
All I can say is... that I AM here for you... for real.
You're part of my tight net remember?


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