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29 January, 2009

... of joy, of hope, of dream, of fear, of rage, of wonder, of doubt, of smiles...

Again I state... I am AFRAID of the world. And you came and turn it all a little, just a little loader.
And I just don't care the "you" you think you are...
I had all my rage focoused towards one thought... coded it all.. but then... after the most teenager-ish subway ride of my life... all came along, throwing unslept nights off the window.

Call me infantile... but... I'd love to hear you scream... and you admit it.
I wasn't cut out for this. I do need my warranties. Less than I thought but, yet, big enough.
Wether out of caring or jelousy... you reversed the roles.
All of this just to say that I'm mad.

6 thoughts unleashed:

Ms. Amanda Grace said...



jb said...

I really like this izzie. The words are real and they touched me thanks. I also really love the waves so beatutiful.


Castiel said...

Sejam maus ou bons, é sempre bom sentir o que se sentes, é sinal de que se está vivo. (Que, by the way, é o contrario de estar morto), convem smp dizer que é pa n haver duvidas.*

izzie said...

Jb: thanks sweety... you can't imagine what that means to mee... :)

Súbdita: Lá está... como diria essa mente... sei lá... meia-viva, vá!


Salto-Alto said...

Este post está mesmo sentido, gosto da escrita assim!

izzie said...

Amanda: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the song!

Salto: obrigada!... És sempre um amor quando passas por ca´.
Ainda bem que gostas.


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