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25 March, 2009

[Well it kindda is... but who cares?]

This night is being very fruitful throughout Blogger world for me...
Not only I can see some patterns and cicles re-borning (God! Make it slow down! I'm not liking it. I do have a weak stomach...), as I got my hopes faded and I got to see myself in the future if life had been a little more (or is it less?) en rose.
Now... c'mon guys! Am I or am I not a lucky girl? All these findings in three hours? YUPI for me! Not... really!

Amongst some laughs I met a woman who's "life story" I can read... and what I see tells me that I wouldn't be very far from that... on the one hand, it sounds like fun and lively (but that can be the writting talking) on the other it sounds like not that nuch to show by the of the day...
No... I do not ask or hope for a special, unique kind of future... I'm only reclaming mine... and after this reading "experience"... even more...

For those of you who just got here... don't get freaked out about this post and, please!, do come back...
For those of you who know me... yes... I'm back to incoherence ;)
For those of you who just met one of my "sides"... welcome to the other!

Either way... I'm just tired... this has been a hell of a day...

4 thoughts unleashed:

MoonDreamer said...

Sometimes, 3 hours is all it takes to "see"... :)

Nevertheless your incoherence is welcome :)

jb said...

Izzie.....it's been awhile. I'm really sorry beautiful for the delay. Sometimes 3 hours is all that it takes to find what you need. Thanks for the comments, on my last three posts, your the best.

I won't fall behind anymore with your posts, I promise. Until the next post, be good, be happy and be Izzie.


Lita said...

Primeiro, senti o aperto... e eu conheço o aperto...
Depois sorri ao de leve... não de alegria, somente de reconhecimento.
Depois... bolas, depois novamente o abraço!!!!!
Não preciso de dizer mais nada, pois não?

izzie said...

Hermes: É já vi acontecer... e pelos visto sou capaz do mesmo...
Só tu para acolheres assim tão bem a minha loucura ;)

JB: Oh Hun... don't worry... I know life is and can be a mess... and I know that everytime you can you come back!
I'll try to be good, I'll try to go back to happy... and Izzie I'll always be! :)
Much Love,

Lita: Este post desarmou-me... já to disse... ainda mais depois de ontem À noite...
Mas como sempre... é a Luz, a Vida e a Essência a manter-nos por perto... uma vez conecido o caminho... já dele não se sai.
Algo me diz que o abraço veio para ficar não, Sis?
O melhor e o mais sentido dos abraços com todo o sentimento,

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