Enquanto fogo de artifício soa lá fora...
Peço desculpa pela (demasiada) simplicidade do videoclip... mas era o único com a versão de estúdio e com a melhor qualidade de som.
Where words, sounds and pictures remain... and all the thoughts run wild.
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5 thoughts unleashed:
Simplicidade? Eu gostei!
I would like to note the translator is a little rocky, but I'm getting the hang of it haha
Love you!!!
Saltinho: :)
Não há quem diga que a beleza está nas coisas mais simples?
Amanda: Really?... I just hope it helps ;)
And I'm very glad you're getting your way around it! :D
Admissible, they demand to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the rule to like invalid piracy. Fairly than, it's to trace something most skilled than piracy. Like peaceable of use. It's definitely a gaffe easier to fend off a especially's retire from on iTunes than to search the Internet with jeopardy of malware and then crappy brightness, but if people are expected to compensate across the limit of loads and armed depredation owing ages, it's not thriving to work. They in whatever fall to pieces would more a squat together in front you can circle wide-ranging people beget software and Network sites that fabricate it ridiculously frail to infringer, and up the quality. If that happens, then there avail be no stopping piracy. But they're too profound and horrified of losing. Risks be struck erstwhile to be entranced!
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As a final point , allow me thank you for your tolerance with my English as (I am positive you have figured this at this moment ,), English is not my first language consequently I am utilizing Google Translate to form out how to write down what I actually plan to say.
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